The Palace of Versailles is an epitome of opulence and grandeur, showcasing the zenith of French art and architecture from the 17th century. This UNESCO World Heritage site, originally a hunting lodge, was transformed by King Louis XIV into a magnificent royal residence.

Today, the Château boasts 2,300 rooms spread over 63,154 m2. Here are the facts to know about the main rooms of the Palace of Versailles, each with its unique charm and historical significance.

The Hall of Mirrors (Galerie des Glaces)

One of the most famous rooms in the Palace, the Hall of Mirrors, is a symbol of French luxury and power. This grand hall stretches 73 meters long and is adorned with 357 mirrors that reflect the opulent gardens through 17 windows. The hall was used for court gatherings and significant events, including the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, which ended World War I.

The King’s Grand Apartment (Grand Appartement du Roi)

The King’s Grand Apartment consists of a series of seven rooms, each dedicated to a different deity from Roman mythology. These rooms include:

  • The Hercules Room (Salon d'Hercule): Named after the hero Hercules, this room features a grand ceiling painting depicting the Apotheosis of Hercules.
  • The Room of Abundance (Salon de l'Abondance): A room dedicated to the goddess of abundance and richness, often used for serving refreshments.
  • The Venus Room (Salon de Vénus): Adorned with marble and dedicated to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty.
  • The Diana Room (Salon de Diane): Used as a billiard room, it is dedicated to Diana, the goddess of the hunt.
  • The Mars Room (Salon de Mars): A guard room dedicated to Mars, the god of war.
  • The Mercury Room (Salon de Mercure): A bedroom for special guests, dedicated to Mercury, the messenger of the gods.
  • The Apollo Room (Salon d'Apollon): Serving as the throne room, it is dedicated to Apollo, the god of the arts and the sun, and features a magnificent ceiling painting of Apollo in his chariot.

The Queen’s Grand Apartment (Grand Appartement de la Reine)

Mirroring the King’s Grand Apartment, the Queen’s Grand Apartment consists of seven rooms, reflecting the Queen’s role and personal tastes. Notable rooms include:

  • The Queen’s Bedchamber (Chambre de la Reine): The most important room in the Queen’s Apartment, where the queen would sleep and receive visitors. It is abudantly decorated with floral motifs and gold accents.
  • The Nobles’ Room (Salon des Nobles): Used for the Queen's private audiences, featuring intricate tapestries and furniture.
  • The Antechamber (Antichambre du Grand Couvert): Where the Queen would dine in public with the King and members of the court.

The King’s Private Apartment (Appartement Privé du Roi)

Apart from the grand public rooms, the King had a series of private chambers for his personal use, providing a more intimate and functional living space. These include:

  • The Cabinet of the Meridian (Cabinet de la Méridienne): A small, elegant room where the King could rest or retreat from official duties.
  • The Library (Bibliothèque du Roi): Housing the King’s private collection of books and manuscripts.
  • The Clock Room (Cabinet de la Pendule): Featuring a remarkable astronomical clock, symbolizing the King’s interest in science and innovation.

The Opera House (Opéra Royal de Versailles)

Constructed under Louis XV, the Opera House is a masterpiece of 18th-century architecture. With its lavish decoration and ingenious design, it was used for royal performances, balls, and receptions. The Opera House exemplifies the blend of art and architecture that defines the Palace of Versailles.

The Chapel (Chapelle Royale)

The Royal Chapel, completed under Louis XIV, is a stunning example of French Baroque architecture. The two-level chapel hosted daily masses and special ceremonies, with the King and his family seated on the upper level. The magnificent organ and frescoes create a serene and spiritual atmosphere.


The Palace of Versailles, with its diverse and splendid rooms, reflects the artistic and cultural grandeur of the French monarchy. From the Hall of Mirrors to the King’s private chambers, exploring the different rooms of Versailles offers a glimpse into the lavish lifestyle of French royalty.